Karnataka State Souharda Federal Cooperative Ltd. (KSSFCL) marked a historic day by celebrating Souharda Cooperative Day, the beginning of its Silver Jubilee year, and the New Calendar Year 2025 with a record-breaking flag hoisting event. The celebrations took place simultaneously at the KSSFCL office in Bengaluru and over 2,000 Souharda Cooperatives across Karnataka between 10 AM and 11 AM.
At the KSSFCL headquarters, President G. Nanjana Gowda hoisted the Cooperative Flag and highlighted the achievements of the Souharda Cooperative Movement, which has now completed 24 years and stepped into its Silver Jubilee year. He commemorated the enactment of the Souharda Act on January 1, 2001, and shared that the movement, built on the principles of autonomy, self-management, and self-control, has expanded to over 6,500 Souharda Cooperatives in the state. He proudly announced that the day’s celebrations entered the India Book of Records.
Managing Director Sharanagouda G. Patil noted the growing confidence among youth in the cooperative movement, driven by the remarkable progress of the Souharda Movement in Karnataka. He emphasized that the simultaneous flag hoisting event across the state is a testament to the commitment and unity of Souharda Cooperatives.
Adjudicators from the India Book of Records confirmed the achievement, announcing that “KSSFCL Souharda Flag Hoisting Day” has set a record for hoisting the cooperative flag at more than 1,500 locations in Karnataka. The certificate was presented to President G. Nanjana Gowda during the event.
The program also included a vote of thanks delivered by Training Officer Shivkumar Biradar, with Rajshekar welcoming the audience and Sridhar extending gratitude to participants. The day concluded with renewed commitment to strengthen the Souharda Movement in Karnataka during this milestone year.