Union Minister of State for Finance Pankaj Chaudhary informed the Rajya Sabha that as of 31st March 2024, seven State Cooperative Banks (StCBs), 424 Urban Cooperative Banks (UCBs), and 120 District Central Cooperative Banks (DCCBs) reported Gross Non-Performing Assets (GNPAs) exceeding 10%.
The Andaman & Nicobar State Cooperative Bank and Arunachal Pradesh State Cooperative Bank reported alarmingly high GNPAs of 25.82% and 39.92%, respectively. Meanwhile, the Jammu & Kashmir State Cooperative Bank recorded the highest GNPA at a staggering 55.52%.
On the other hand, several state cooperative banks maintained a GNPA below 5% as of 31st March 2024. These include the Andhra Pradesh State Cooperative Bank, Bihar StCB, Chhattisgarh StCB, Goa StCB, Gujarat StCB, Himachal Pradesh StCB, Mizoram StCB, Odisha StCB, Punjab StCB, Tamil Nadu StCB, Uttar Pradesh StCB, West Bengal StCB, Uttarakhand StCB, and others.
Among District Central Cooperative Banks, Jharkhand’s Dhanbad Central Co-operative Bank reported the highest GNPA at 28.09%. In Madhya Pradesh, the GNPAs of its 38 DCCBs stood at an average of 22.70%, while Himachal Pradesh’s two DCCBs recorded a GNPA of 20.98%.
Dear sir please merge all dccb with their State CO op bank and save CO op bank system it’s a humble request to central government
I don’t know from where you people collect these figures.. For your information, there are two DCCBs in Himachal Pradesh whose KCCB figures you have given correctly but the GNPA of JCCB is less than 3%
Yes. This happens. As far as these institutions are under the control of politicians , gradually the net worth decreases and the financial position
deteriorate. Loans and advances to the henchmen of the local politicians , Board of directors have no proper security and poor supervision by the staff. For the sake of votes, local politicians propagate
not to repay loans promising waiver of loans. The inspection reports don’t carry
any impact and the rectification is not
seriously taken. The rectification report
only mentions ” NOTED” ETC.
Merge all dcc bank with state co bank and treate pacs its branch to survive co operative sector