90 co-op societies out of 1647 under liquidation: CRCS

Out of 1647 multi state cooperative societies, in 90 societies liquidators have been appointed for carrying out the liquidation process, as per the details shared by the Central Registrar of Cooperative Societies (CRCS).

There are under liquidation 26 societies from Rajasthan and 13 from Maharashtra.

A total of 33 multi state cooperative societies under liquidation are 11 each from Odisha, Delhi and from Uttar Pradesh.

The cooperative movement is said to be strong especially in three states of the country including Maharashtra, Gujarat and Karnataka. According to details, only two MSCSs are under liquidation from Gujarat whereas no MSCSs are under liquidation from the state of Karnataka.

As per the National Cooperative Database, there are 1647 MSCS out of which 680 cooperative societies are in Maharashtra. Uttar Pradesh with 173 MSCS and New Delhi with 166 stand at 2nd and 3rd position in terms of number of multi state cooperative societies.

Gujarat and Karnataka have 50 and 35 MSCSs respectively. The list of the societies where liquidators are appointed is given below.


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