While still a few of multi state cooperative societies across India are waiting for the response from the Central Registrar for conducting the election, Andhra Pradesh based Multi State Cooperative Bank -Visakhapatnam Cooperative Bank has got the green signal for conducting the election.
The General body meeting is scheduled for 5th September 2020 to elect the 21 BoDs of the bank.
It is being reported that the election has always been unanimous in the bank. One of the bank top officials said, incumbent Chairman Raghavendra Rao is all set to become Chairman again for another five years.
P Durga Prasad, Deputy Registrar/ Divisional Cooperative officer, Visakhapatnam has been appointed as the returning officer under Rule 19 of Multistate Cooperative $societies Rules, 2002 to conduct the election to the Board of Directors and office bears of the Visakhapatnam Cooperative Bank
According to the election notice, “All the members of the cooperative bank are hereby informed that the General Body is scheduled on 05.09.2020 at 9.00 AM at Dr B K Ambedkar Bhavan, near Rama Ralkies, Visakhaptnam to election (21) post of directors of board of Visakhapatnam Cooperative Bank as per the provision of the Bye-Law No. 32 of the said bank and under the provisions of Rule 16 of Multi State Cooperative Societies Rules 2002. The election scheduled will be intimated in due course”, it further reads.
The bank has a network of 50 branches across Andhra Pradesh and Telangana.
Earlier, Campco caught in the similar situation as the Visakhapatnam Cooperative Bank was directed by the Central Registrar to postpone elections and wait for the state coop dept next move. It bears recall that unlike AP, Karnataka govt has postponed co-op elections in the wake of Covid.
The apex body of co-ops NCUI continues to await a response from the office of the Central Registrar on the proposed guidelines for holding elections.
There are reports, however, that the Central Registrar is meeting co-operators of let to come up with a uniform guideline for both holding AGMs and for elections. “He has already held two webinars on the issue”, said a participant.