Despite their best efforts, the RSS-leaning Janata Sahakari Panel failed to decimate Mahesh Desai’s dominance in the elections of Vasai Janata Sahakari Bank. The board comprises 15 directors and all seats have been won by the Utkarsha Panel led by Desai who is said to be associated with Bahujan Vikas Aaghadi (BVA).
The candidates of the Janata Sahakari Panel headed by Dilip Joshi lost the election by a huge margin. Once again, the voters have reposed faith in Mahesh Desai who is the chairman for the last two terms. Desai got 3690 votes whereas Joshi received 1544 votes.
Even the Mumbai BJP Corporator Priti Satam’s campaigning in favour of the Janata Sahakari Panel went in vain. Several other local leaders had mounted the election campaign on social media as well as on door steps of voters.
Buoyed with the news, talking to Indian Cooperative Mahesh Desai said, “Our panel has won all the seats of directors and we are happy that once again the members have reposed faith in us. We will meet their expectations.
As soon as the news of the Utkarsha Panel winning the elections came in, it spread like wildfire on social media. One of the users wrote, ” All the candidates of our Utkarsha panel were elected with a large number of votes in the elections of Vasai Janata Cooperative Bank Ltd. Board of Directors which fought under the guidance of Hon’ble Corporator Mr. Raju Dhage of Samuel Pada. Workers went door to door and distributed slips to voters and asked them to cast their vote for the Utkarsha panel”.
“In the elections, most of its Board of Director candidates won with huge margins of votes. Heartfelt thanks to all of you members. Many many congratulations to all the candidates”, another user wrote.
The voting for the elections was held on Sunday last week and the result was announced at Monday’s event. Out of 15 directors, 10 are from the general category, 2 reserved for Women, 1 from OBC, 1 from Schedule Castes, and 1 from Schedule tribes.
Elections were held for 14 seats because one director from the General Category was elected unopposed. The total number of voters is over 19k.
The bank has a business mix of more than Rs 1000 crore and its Net NPA is Zero.