Marathi celeb pays tributes to Cosmos Bank

cosmos bank new branch openinig ceremony

The pride of UCB which is hailed as India’s leading multi-state scheduled co-operative bank, the Cosmos Co-operative Bank got its Veera Desai Road, Andheri (W) Branch inaugurated at the hands of famous Marathi actor, Ajinkya Deo last Tuesday.

Paying tributes to the fastest growing UCB in the country Ajinkya Deo said, “Our popular film ‘Sarja’ was produced and completed with the financial support of Cosmos Bank. Cosmos Bank has always backed Marathi Film Industry. Deo family and Cosmos Bank share a very special bond. Cosmos Bank has played a very important role in our development.”

In his inaugural speech, Chairman Krishnakumar Goyal said, “Many artists from Marathi Film Industry share strong relationship with Cosmos Bank. Cosmos Bank and these Marathi film personalities have a mutually beneficial association as we have both grown together. We are proud to be associated with each other.”

Goyal used the opportunity to inform that Cosmos Bank is offering various modern services and he urged the customers to take benefit of these services and facilities.

During this occasion, landlord and customers were felicitated at the hands of Chairman – Krishnakumar Goyal. Vice-Chairman – Madhukar Atre, proposed the vote of thanks.

The top echelon of the Pune-headquartered Bank such as Chairman – Krishnakumar Goyal, Vice-Chairman – Madhukar Atre, Directors – Jitendrabhai Shah, Shripad Panchpor and Jt. Managing Director – Suhas Gokhale were present on the occasion.

The Cosmos Co-operative Bank Ltd., is a multi-state scheduled co-operative bank having its strong presence in 7 States through 140 branches with a set-up of Rs. 26700 crore.

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