Cosmos Bank earns Rs 57 crore; declares 10 % dividend

The Cosmos Co-Operative Bank has earned net profit of Rs.57.64 crore as on March 31st, 2015, declared its Chairman, Krishnakumar Goyal. He announced 10 % dividend to the share-holders. The financial position of the Bank has further strengthened in this financial year. The reserves and other funds of the Bank stand at Rs.1,540.11 crore and capital to Risk Assets Ratio (CRAR) is at a healthy 11.25%.

Chairman Krishnakumar Goyal informed this, during the 109th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Bank which was conducted on Saturday, September 26th, 2015 at Shivshankar Sabhagruha, Maharshinagar, Pune. Cosmos Bank’s Chairman Emeritus, Dr. Mukund Abhyankar addressed the gathering. Managing Director, Vikrant Ponkshe enlightened the views of Cosmos Bank on this occasion.

Cosmos Bank’s Director, Adv. Shripad Panchpor also addressed the occasion. For the Annual General Meeting, Directors – Rajeev Sabade, Prakash Joshirao, Adv. Jayant Shaligram, Adv. Pralhad Kokare, Milind Kale, Govind Kshirsagar, Dr. Smita Jog, Sunil Sabnis, Jitendra Shah and Joint Managing Director, Suhas Gokhale were present.

At the onset, Chairman, Krishnakumar Goyal welcomed the shareholders and shared financial statistics with them. The Chairman informed that, as on 31st March 2015, total Deposits of the Bank stand at Rs.15,835 crore and Advances at Rs.11,159 crore. Total business during this financial year has reached the mark of Rs. 26992 crore. The paid up share capital of the Bank is Rs. 312.43 crore. Bank’s total investment has reached the figure of Rs. 5,286 crore while the working capital is Rs.18,225 crore, & C.D. Ratio is 70.46%.

Vice-Chairman, Madhukar Atre proposed the Vote of Thanks at the end of the AGM.

Cosmos Bank has a strong financial foundation with 81,240 members and more than 20 lac depositors and customers. Currently, total of 2,955 staff is working with the Bank.

The Cosmos Co-operative Bank Ltd. is one of the leading Multistate Scheduled Co-operative Banks in India. The Bank continued to show robust growth in business with strong financial performance indicators. The Bank is operating through 140 service centers across 7 States.

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