Cosmos Bank earns a profit of Rs 96 crore

The Cosmos Co-Operative Bank Ltd., a leading Multistate Scheduled Co-operative Bank in India, has declared its financial results for the financial year, ending on March 31st, 2013, with a net profit of Rs.96.42 crore.

The 107th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Bank was conducted on Sunday, August 4th, 2013 in Pune. The Chairman of the Bank, Mr. Krishnakumar Goyal shared financial statistics with the shareholders on this occasion. Members of the Bank were present for the meeting in large numbers. The Directors of the bank with other senior officials were present too.

The Chairman informed that, as on 31st March 2013, total deposits of the Bank stand at Rs.12,857 crore and Advances at Rs.9,241 crore. Total business during this financial year has reached the mark of Rs. 22,098 crore.

The financial position of the Bank has further strengthened in this financial year. The reserves and other funds of the Bank stand at Rs.1,099 crore and capital to Risk Assets Ratio (CRAR) is at a healthy 12.82%.

Presently, the paid up share capital of the Bank is Rs. 313 crore. Bank’s total investment has reached the figure of Rs. 4,129 crore while the working capital is Rs.14,789 crore, & C.D. Ratio is 71.87%.

Cosmos Bank has a strong financial foundation with 77,535 members and more than 18 lakh depositors. Currently, total of 2,626 staff is working with the Bank.

The Cosmos Co-operative Bank Ltd. is one of the leading Multistate Scheduled Co-operative Banks in India. The Bank continued to show robust growth in business with strong financial performance indicators. As on date Business set up of the Bank is Rs. 23,051 crores. The Bank is operating through 134 service centers across 6 States.


Some of the note worthies present on the occasion included Managing Director- Vikrant Ponkshe, Chairman Emeritus- Dr.Mukund Abhyankar, Vice-Chairman- Milind Kale, Director- Madhukar Atre and Dr.Smita Jog, among others.

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