COBI holds conference in Tashkent

A three day conference of apex body of the credit sector COBI was held in Tashkent last week. The conference was attended by about 47 delegates drawing from all the sectors of the cooperative movement related to credit sector.

The highlight of the conference was participation by the women cooperators also in a large number. These women cooperators came from Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Chattisgarh.

Talking to Indian Cooperative G H Amin, the Chairman of COBI said that COBI is the lone body which represents credit sector in the entirety. It encompasses co-operative banks, urban cooperative banks, Land development bank and credit societies.

Once in a year we hold our conference abroad and Tashkent was chosen as the place offers good hospitality at reasonable rates. Justifying the foreign trip he said that it offers us a chance to study the local cooperatives. This practice was started by Vishwanathan who was the Chairman before me, Amin added.

But Amin hastened to add that the cost is not born by COBI but by the participants.


The top notch cooperative leaders such as NCUI President Chandra Pal Singh, Bijender Singh, Dr Dinesh, representatives of co-operative banks led by MD Mr Subramaniyam, Biscomaun Chairman Sunil Singh, Nafcub Chief Subhas Gupta and many more participated in the conference. Even Mudit Verma and his wife who is a chairman of a UP based cooperative bank were there.

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