Ever since the Prime Minister launched the “Gramoday se Bharat Uday” Abhiyan at a public meeting in Mhow, union agriculture minister Radhamohan Singh has been on the go touring states.
The Prime Minister said in Mhow the Gramoday to Bharat Uday Abhiyan from 14th to 24th April, 2016 would focus attention on the development work to be done in villages. He also said this year’s Union Budget is dedicated to farmers and villages. He added development initiatives should be focused on rural development.
After the launch of the programme, Singh got busy touring remote rural areas. He could not even attend the wedding of his junior minister’s daughter. He however, made up for it by visiting the family one day in advance, said a source.
Singh has covered Haryana, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Uttar Pradesh so far. He addressed Gram Kisan Sabha at Goela Kalan village, Bhadurgarh, Jhajjar on Thursday and coached farmers on different govt schemes for their benefits.
Before this, the Agriculture and Farmers Welfare Minister delivered a presidential speech in Horticulture Vision – 2026 of Horticulture Department of Haryana at Pusa. On this occasion, he said that India has progressed well in the production of vegetables and fruits and Haryana is leading the states.
Earlier he was in Velha village in Thane he said the govt is committed to empower farmers through Gram Uday se Bharat Uday Abhiyan.
In the vaillage Madapur in Rajkot Gujarat
On Wednesday Singh addressed a huge gathering of farmers in Jaitwarpur Pyali village of Gautambudhnagar in UP reiterating that the Modi govt is committed to doubling the income of farmers by 2022.
Experts believe the govt is indeed taking initiatives asking all the concerned agencies to bring information on the farmers’ doorstep. “Make delivery and execution mechanisms that work with state agencies. The work has to be undertaken on a war footing,” experts suggest.