Sanjay Kaushok
Our Election was conducted by Maharashtra State Co-operative Election Authority :
1. I am led to believe Adopting Model Bye-Laws 2013 prior to Election is mandatory.
2. Our Society has not adopted the aforementioned Bye-Laws.
3. However the outgoing Secretary has submitted an undertaking, confirming adoption.
4. The undertaking is a sham.
Please advise the status of the Election is it irregular or illegal as the basic tenet of compliance is compromised.
I C Naik
1.Adoption of Model bye Laws is optional.
2.Elections are governed by the Maharashtra Co-operative Societies (Election to Committee) Rules, 2014.
3.Adoption of new model is done by taking steps which are required under Section 13 read with rule 12 and bye Law no 167. Secretary’s undertaking carries no value. It is not required also.
4.Election status can be accurately clarified by Election Authority but is not invalidated even if CHS is being run on old bye laws.