RJ Pillai
I am from Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
Please clarify my doubts, that the Cooperative societies of any state or UT administration come under RTI Act if yes please get me the copy of such order from any. Awaiting for your kind reply.
I C Naik
Supreme Court of India
Thalappalam Ser.Coop.Bank Ltd.& … vs State Of Kerala & Ors. on 7 October, 2013 CIVIL APPEALLATE JURISDICTION CIVIL APPEAL NO. 9017 OF 2013
(Arising out of SLP (C) No.24290 of 2012) is the Authority on this issue.
The judgment is summarised in last Paragraph reproduced below.
We, therefore, hold that the Cooperative Societies registered under the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act will not fall within the definition of “public authority” as defined under Section 2(h) of the RTI Act and the State Government letter dated 5.5.2006 and the circular dated 01.06.2006 issued by the Registrar of Co-operative Societies, Kerala, to the extent, made applicable to societies registered under the Kerala Co-operative Societies Act would stand quashed in the absence of materials to show that they are owned, controlled or substantially financed by the appropriate Government.
I hope this answers your question.